Tristen Ikaika
Tristen Ikaika
“This is your life”
“This is your life”
Salt Lake City, UT
The story of Tristen Ikaika started with stealing a spoon from his mother's kitchen and has lead to a deal with the sharks. Tristen's empire has been built through his emphasis on community and brand. The story of the "Ring King" and his journey to SharkTank was captured and told through this piece.
Jackson Averett
Set Design:
Ashley England & Makena Ale
Jackson Averett
Set Design:
Ashley England & Makena Ale
Director of Photography:
Mitchell Thayne
Jackson Averett
Mitchell Thayne
Jackson Averett
Creative Director:
Tristen Persons
Assistant Editor:
Mitchell Thayne
Tristen Persons
Assistant Editor:
Mitchell Thayne