
Featured Projects

2024 Showreel

Jordan Brand

Jazz 50

Dime Beauty
ZAF Legal

Unlikely Florist

Project Index︎︎︎

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Mitchell Thayne
Parker Eastmond
Talmage Thayne
Grayson Thayne
Mike Every
Taylor Anderson
Austin Brady
Danny Garcia

Laab Info


What is FilmLaab?

FilmLaab is a film collective located in Salt Lake City, Utah, that partners with forward-thinking brands and creatives to produce high-quality content and meaningful experiences through film and other creative outlets.

We subscribe to the thought that a curated network of top-tier creative professionals is the future of content creation. By bringing together innovative filmmakers, designers, and writers while providing strong structure and processes, we can create high-quality projects that rival the traditional approach to film production.

We've also dabbled in self-initiated content, campaigns, merchandise, and other creative projects to help lift and redefine creative culture and current methods of production. So if you're ever in Salt Lake City, swing by our studio and say hi! We're always happy to talk shop (or shoot the breeze).

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Filmlaab's pre-production services are the cornerstone of any successful video endeavor. By delving deep into the nuances of your vision, we collaborate closely with clients, refining ideas and sculpting them into actionable plans. From the initial brainstorming sessions to the final script drafts, our team ensures that every project is rooted in clarity, creativity, and strategic foresight, setting the stage for a seamless and impactful production process.
  • Concept Development︎︎︎
    We delve deep into your vision, refining and expanding upon it to ensure it's both innovative and achievable. Our brainstorming sessions are designed to bring out the best in your concept.
  • Scriptwriting︎︎︎
    Our talented writers craft compelling narratives, ensuring your message is both clear and captivating. We tailor each script to resonate with your target audience.
  • Storyboarding︎︎︎
    Through detailed storyboards, we provide a visual roadmap for the production, ensuring every shot is planned and visualized in advance.
  • Location Scouting︎︎︎
    We identify and secure optimal locations, ensuring the backdrop complements the narrative and enhances authenticity.
  • Casting︎︎︎
    Leveraging our vast network, we find the perfect talent to embody your vision, ensuring each role is filled with precision and care.
  • Budgeting & Scheduling︎︎︎
    Our meticulous planning ensures every project remains on track, optimizing resources and timelines for maximum efficiency.
  • Research & Analysis︎︎︎
    We dive deep into the subject matter, ensuring that the content is both accurate and relevant. By understanding the landscape, we can craft narratives that are both engaging and informative.
  • Technical Planning︎︎︎
    Beyond the narrative, we strategize on the technical aspects, determining equipment needs, software applications, and any special requirements to ensure a smooth production phase.


At Filmlaab, the production phase is a symphony of creativity and technical expertise. With our state-of-the-art equipment and a seasoned crew, every moment is captured with an artist's eye and a technician's precision. We believe that every frame, every soundbite, and every angle should not only tell a story but also evoke emotion. Our commitment to this philosophy ensures that the heart of your message is encapsulated perfectly, ready to resonate with audiences.
  • Cinematography︎︎︎
    Our expert cinematographers capture your story with precision, ensuring every shot is both aesthetically pleasing and purposeful.
  • Sound Recording︎︎︎
    With top-tier equipment, we capture crystal-clear audio, ensuring every word and ambient sound is perfectly preserved.
  • Lighting︎︎︎
    Our lighting experts craft the mood of each scene, using techniques that highlight and enhance the visual narrative.
  • Set Design & Props︎︎︎
    We meticulously design sets and source props, creating environments that resonate deeply with the story's essence.
  • Talent Direction︎︎︎
    Our directors work closely with talent, guiding them to deliver performances that are both authentic and impactful.
  • On-site Management︎︎︎
    From the initial setup to the final wrap-up, we ensure smooth operations, anticipating challenges and ensuring efficiency.
  • Collaborative Feedback︎︎︎
    We value real-time feedback. By fostering an environment of collaboration on set, we ensure that the vision is consistently aligned with the desired outcome.
  • Safety Protocols︎︎︎
    Ensuring the safety of the crew and talent is paramount. We implement rigorous safety protocols, especially when dealing with complex scenes or challenging environments.


Filmlaab's post-production services are where raw footage undergoes a metamorphosis into cinematic brilliance. With a suite of cutting-edge tools and a team of dedicated editors, sound engineers, and visual artists, we meticulously refine, enhance, and polish every segment. The result is a video that not only meets industry standards but also leaves a lasting, memorable impression on its viewers, ensuring your message stands out in today's media-rich landscape.
  • Video Editing︎︎︎
    Our editors sift through hours of footage, selecting and stitching together the best moments to craft a coherent and captivating narrative.
  • Visual Effects︎︎︎
    Whether it's subtle enhancements or grand visual spectacles, our VFX team adds layers of realism or fantasy as needed.
  • Motion Graphics︎︎︎
    Whether it's subtle enhancements or grand visual spectacles, our VFX team adds layers of realism or fantasy as needed.
  • Animation︎︎︎
    Whether it's subtle enhancements or grand visual spectacles, our VFX team adds layers of realism or fantasy as needed.
  • Sound Design︎︎︎
    Beyond just clarity, we layer sound effects, music, and dialogue to create an immersive audio experience that complements the visuals.
  • Color Grading︎︎︎
    Our colorists enhance and adjust visuals, ensuring every frame is consistent in mood and tone.
  • Music Selection & Scoring︎︎︎
    The right soundtrack can elevate a video's impact. We source, select, or create music that perfectly complements the narrative, enhancing the emotional resonance.
  • Voice-over & Dubbing︎︎︎
    We source, record, and integrate voice narratives that align with the video's tone, ensuring clarity and engagement.

Brand Strategy & Development

In today's saturated market, a strong brand is more than just a logo or a tagline; it's a promise, an experience, a story. At Filmlaab, we are passionate about helping businesses carve out a distinctive identity that resonates deeply with their target audience. Through rigorous research, creative exploration, and strategic planning, we craft holistic brand strategies that not only differentiate businesses from their competitors but also foster genuine connections with consumers.
  • Market Research︎︎︎
    We dive into the market landscape, understanding both your audience and competitors, ensuring your brand occupies a unique and compelling space.
  • Brand Identity Creation︎︎︎
    From crafting memorable logos to selecting resonant color schemes, we build a visual identity that's both distinctive and reflective of your ethos.
  • Content Strategy︎︎︎
    We design content roadmaps that align with your brand voice, ensuring consistent and engaging touchpoints with your audience.
  • Positioning & Messaging︎︎︎
    We help you define and articulate your unique value, ensuring your brand communicates effectively and authentically.
  • Brand Guidelines︎︎︎
    Our comprehensive brand manuals ensure consistency across all platforms, solidifying brand recognition.
  • Launch Strategy︎︎︎
    We create impactful brand debuts, ensuring your entry into the market is noticed and remembered.
  • Ongoing Brand Consultation︎︎︎
    As markets evolve, so should brands. We offer ongoing consultation services to ensure your brand remains relevant and continues to resonate with its audience.

Design & CD

Filmlaab's creative direction and design services are a harmonious blend of imagination, strategy, and execution. We understand that every design element, from the grandest concept to the smallest detail, plays a pivotal role in conveying a message. Our team takes abstract ideas, molds them into tangible visuals, and ensures that every design choice is both aesthetically captivating and strategically aligned with your overarching goals, creating a visual narrative that speaks volumes.
  • Brand Design︎︎︎
    We craft visual identities that encapsulate the essence of a brand. From logos to color palettes, every design choice is made to resonate with the brand's ethos and audience.
  • Web Design︎︎︎
    A brand's online presence is vital. We design websites that are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience for visitors.
  • Graphic Design︎︎︎
    From brochures to digital ads, our graphic design services ensure that your brand's visuals are consistent, compelling, and effectively communicate your message.
  • UX & UI︎︎︎
    We prioritize the user's journey, designing interfaces and experiences that are intuitive, engaging, and aligned with user needs and behaviors.
  • Concept Development︎︎︎
    Our brainstorming sessions are designed to refine and expand upon initial ideas, ensuring they're both innovative and aligned with your objectives.
  • Typography & Layout︎︎︎
    Our design choices in typography and layout ensure both readability and visual appeal, guiding the viewer's eye effectively.
  • Mood Boards︎︎︎
    We curate visuals and themes to provide a clear aesthetic direction, ensuring all design elements are cohesive.


In the ever-evolving world of podcasting, Filmlaab stands as a beacon for creators seeking to make their mark. Our comprehensive podcasting services cater to every facet of the process, from the embryonic stages of concept development to the intricate details of distribution. We believe that a successful podcast is a blend of compelling content, pristine audio quality, and strategic outreach. With this philosophy, we guide creators on their journey, ensuring their voice resonates in the vast podcasting universe.
  • Concept Development︎︎︎
    We delve deep into your vision, helping to define and refine your podcast's unique voice and thematic direction, ensuring it stands out in a crowded market.
  • Episode Planning︎︎︎
    We strategize content delivery, ensuring a consistent and engaging stream of episodes that resonate with listeners.
  • Recording & Equipment︎︎︎
    In our state-of-the-art studios, we capture audio that's both pristine and authentic, ensuring every word and nuance is preserved.
  • Editing & Post-Production︎︎︎
    Our post-production team transforms raw recordings into polished episodes, ensuring a seamless listening experience.
  • Distribution & Hosting︎︎︎
    We navigate the intricacies of podcast platforms, ensuring your content is easily accessible to listeners wherever they tune in.
  • Monetization Strategy︎︎︎
    Beyond creation, we help podcasters identify and implement strategies to monetize their content, exploring avenues like sponsorships, ads, and premium content.
  • Analytics & Performance︎︎︎
    With detailed insights, we help you understand your podcast's reach and resonance, allowing for strategic refinements and growth.


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